Reference letters

Reference letters
Our family feels very blessed to have been given the opportunity to own not one, but three of your wonderful French Bulldog puppies! I have owned a number of Frenchies from all over the world, and you are by far one of the best breeders that I have come across. As you know, it can be very hard to find a true show quality puppy (or as close to breed standard as possible) on the Internet, as photos can only show so much and it is never the same as seeing a pup in person. We would like to thank you personally for being very honest and upfront with us. If you ever need to use me as a reference for anyone considering buying a puppy, please feel free to give them my contact information. I would be more than willing to talk to anyone about our experiences buying from you and the great communication that we received regarding the health of our puppies and the payment and shipping process. Not only did our pups arrive in perfect health, we could tell by their temperament that came from a very loving home where they had been well socialized before leaving.
Once again, thanks for everything and we look forward to Frenchie number four!

When we met Sheila 3 or 4 yrs ago & my husband first saw her frenchies he said "I have to have one of those!" We have bred English Mastiffs for 15 yrs. & always have had a smaller dog or two to help socialize the puppies. As a breeder myself I started researching the frenchies & looking at various other breeders websites. I would call Sheila & ask her tons of questions which she would patiently 🙂 answer over & over again. As with mastiffs, I discovered there are huge differences in confirmation & quality within the breed. Sheila has some of the very best! Many of the websites I saw had what I considered inferior frenchies after meeting Sheila's. A year ago my hubby got his wish when we purchased Sophie & Cami. They are our little clowns & we have fallen completely in love with them! I totally trust Sheila's experience & knowledge of the breed & wouldn't buy one from anywhere else!
Becky and Rick
I am writing this in appreciation for the fine service and cooperation I received in the recent purchases of two beautiful French Bulldog puppies from Sheila. Although we are far apart Sheila and I both drove part way to meet and safely receive the puppy. One puppy has been obtained and we are about to schedule for the second. I named the first male blue puppy, Dakotah, His name is spelled Native American, and he is doing just fine. He is very socialized and has a lot of personality. My vet was also quite impressed with Dakotah when I took him for his first check-up. I have had excellent communication with Sheila on many occasions as we arranged the sale of the second puppy. Sheila provided weekly photographs documenting the growth of both puppies via emails and we have had telephone contacts frequently. Actually Sheila and I have become friends as a result of the purchases. I would highly recommend my new friend, Sheila, to anyone considering the purchase of any of her excellent puppies. Quality shows in all of her puppies. I would buy again from her in future.
Hey Sheila!
After searching and searching for a breeder that I could trust, I came across Driscoll's Frenchies! Not only were their little Frenchies ideal in size/build, but she made me feel confident that they took extensive measures to try and breed out features that would cause problems/health risks down the road. I was a first time French Bulldog owner, so was EXTRA cautious because of all the horror stories I had heard about particular breeders and health problems. Sheila spent probably hours with me on the phone to ensure I felt comfortable with purchasing one of her Frenchies and I felt so comfortable that I bought Willow without even seeing her in person first. I have had willow for 9 mo now and she couldn't be a more perfect dog. Our vet always compliments Willow on having the "perfect" Frenchie build and she has had no health problems to date - not even one! I get people stopping me on the streets of NYC almost every time I take her out for a walk asking where I got her and how beautiful she is. My favorite part of her is her personality. It's like sitting next to a little human every day. I am in love with Willow and will definitely go back to Driscoll's French Bulldogs whenever I am ready for another one! I am officially hooked on french bulldogs.
Thanks for everything!

Hey Sheila! Here are some new pictures of my pup Olive! She is just so amazing and I have enjoyed every moment of her. She is such a great little walk too. We take walks everyday around Balboa Island which is about 2 miles and she does amazing! In these picture Olive is with her new best friend Doug (our orange tabby) they just can't stop playing together. Thanks again for the best puppy ever!
Carolyn in CA
When I ventured off to Iowa to look at some puppies belonging to Sheila Discol I was truly in shock....what an awesome surprise.......She herself was the most friendly & knowledgeable about her puppies. What a warm & welcome home we found. Dogs & puppies were a great part of this awesome environment. This left us with a great feeling about purchasing puppies from her. By the time we left we felt like we could come back any time....What a nice friendly family of people & dogs....I have purchased awesome puppies from her & am sure I will go was just that kind of a place that you want to go back to. Information was excellent & I feel she definitely knows what she is doing......Every dog in the house is loved. That is what was important to me. Thank you again Sheila for the best.....
Pat Neises South Dakota
I contacted the Driscol's over a yr and a half ago wanting a blue. I made a huge mistake and decided to buy one from over seas. Well in the end I was scammed $11,000 and had no blue puppy. I was devastated and remained in contact with Shelia who was so helpful as I was starting my hobby breeding foundation. I thought I would never be able to afford another blue but Sheila let me know she had a blue female left that would be just perfect for me. She was patient and let me get together the deposit and final payment. They sent me updated pictures and always answered any questions I had. My blue female arrived to me happy and healthy and well adjusted. She fit right into our family and loved my other Frenchies. I ended up having to get her emergency nare surgery and they stood behind their puppy. Guaranteeing that if something happened she would be replaced. As a breeder myself this is not something that would be covered in contract nor that they would be obligated to do by any means. That kind of commitment from a breeder should set the standard for others. Luckily our little Gracie was perfect and did wonderful in surgery and is the perfect little girl. Thanks for all your hard work guys!
Victoria Hansen
I just recently received my THIRD puppy from Dbg. I did not get them all at the same time, but over a couple of years. I knew what they grew into when I got the next one! Sheila has been the greatest! All of our babies were happy, healthy, and aggressive. They are all super socialized and just snuggle into your neck the minute you pick them up. Smart as whips, too. Sheila has been a HUGE help to me as a breeder, also. I have been breeding and showing for 20 years, and thought I knew what needed to be done. SHE was the one who stepped up and said, "You may have bred and shown ShihTzus, Wheaton Terriers and Australian Cattledogs, but Honey, you ain't seen the LIKE of these French Bulldogs. They are a whole ":nuther" thing. And boy, was she right! My hat is definitely OFF to Sheila, and Dbg Frenchies. She has worked hard, and has a pretty darn good handle on what needs to be done to produce the ENTIRE Frenchie. Not just a pretty face. Everything else that goes with it! Thank you, Sheila and Mike. (And like I told Mike when we picked up baby number 3, "I will likely be seeing you again a year from now!")
Madeline Musick--
I recently bought a puppy from the Driscol's. I had been looking for a "blue french bulldog" for about 6 months and was over joyed to find her website. I had emailed Sheila with questions about her litter and she quickly responded with answers and more pictures to help me decide which pup was best for me. After chosing, I was sent pictures on a weekly basis so I could watch my "Caesar" grow. I chose to fly to Iowa to pick up Caesar because my home state, Arizona, was too hot to ship him here. Mike (Sheila's husband) and two of their children met me at the airport with my very happy & healthy little boy. The whole family was such a pleasure to deal with. I still plan to keep in contact with Sheila, she is a great person who truely loves her dogs!!!
Sheila- thanks for everything, and I hope to get another puppy from you in the future!
Susie & Brian Kocks
Peoria, Arizona
Just wanted to give you an update on Nemo. He is quite the character. He fits right in and really gets along with the big dogs. He is very easy going but can sure keep up with the big dogs when he wants to. Sleeps in his kennel in the living room at night but has free roam all day! We sure love him.
Julie Richardson
Minocqua Wi

Meet BACON!!!!
This handsome dude is proudly
owned by Laura Schara in MN.
Please click or copy and paste the
links above to watch his very cute
Father is Poptart
Mother is Ramona
We kept his sister Sweets.
Hi Sheila!
Hope all is well with you. Just wanted to check in with you and let you know that little Bean has brought us nothing but joy, love, and a lot of attention. He is the town's little celebrity. Every so often I check out your website and torture myself looking at all the perfect little puppies you have. I, of course, am obsessed with Carlos. OMG!! Slowly but surely, I am working Gavin to agree that we need to add another Bean. Carlos might be too soon and by the time we react he is sure to be sold. But I am keeping my eye on your upcoming litter of Bacon and Moo. I would LOVE to get a darkish colored fawn with a black mask. So don't be suprised when you hear from me in the near future. I hope you and your family are enjoying the beginning of your summer. I look forward to talking with you and catching up.
Take Care,
Jill Pearlman

I meant to write this letter for months, but i've hardly had any time to spare.
since i moved to Brooklyn, i have had no contact with my kids, i just couldn't deal with their constant drama. i don't mean stupid drama, i mean hard drugs and alcohol drama. it has been the first time in all my life that i have been totally alone.
my dogs are my children, they are my constant company. i hardly leave the apartment because i don't want them to be alone, when i do, i never stay away for more than 4 hours, i miss them so. as you know, i got all my dogs from you. there are breeders and then there are breeders. breeders that tell you "Let me go see what i have on the floor" yes, as chilling as that sounds i heard a man breeder say that once. others are not as careless, but they post themselves dripping with jewelry holding a Frenchie sitting on a fancy sofa, giving the message " They are very expensive" i read from a breeder in Canada "If you have to ask the price, you don't have the money for one of my Frenchies" absolutely true and then there is you. i had given up on trying to buy a Frenchie for years because of the breeders.
but then i met you, and everything changed. You are, hands down, the most caring woman-breeder in the US. You truly love your dogs. the care your babies get when they are born shows in their even temperament and amazing intelligence. feeding puppies every 2 hours, letting your kids play with them, having them on your lap when you finally have a moment to sit down, turns them into loving companions. i want you to know how much your constant work is appreciated by me. every single dog i have bought from you, a total of 8, have been sweet, loving, smart dogs. all with different personalities yes, but all special, unforgettable dogs. and i know, it would not be possible without your loving care and devotion. i have come to consider you as a friend a no nonsense woman that tells it as it is. i want you to know i appreciate your honesty as well and your putting up with my tantrums. please don't change Sheila. keep loving those little angels the way you have done till now, then send them to me.
thank you from all of us ingrid, jemimah, endora, dorthe, hodor and seymour.

I heard that you got to see our lil, “Otis” at your vets office yesterday-) I am so impressed with Nicole and her staff of nice ladies!!! I was telling them how much I enjoyed talking to you and seeing your dog business in person with my son. They told me that you have beautiful and healthy dogs and they had nothing but wonderful things to say about you=) I just wanted to thank you again for everything, our family is so in LOVE with our lil man!!! He is such a loving lil character!!!! My husband also would love to come down and see your beautiful dogs some time.. he follows your website too . Someday we will be buying another "frenchie" from you=)
Have a great week-end!!
Deb Recker

Hi Sheila,
I don't know if you remember Porky (Adel), child of Bling and Shelby - well he is 3 today.
Just wanted you to know, how much we are still enjoying our little furry bundle of joy.
He has had an amazing year. He played in the Sandy Dunes in Colorado, hiked to the top of a mountain, learned to ride in a bike trailer, and enjoyed swimming in the lakes of Texas.
He is so smart and loving. We have been fortunate to not have any major medical problems. He has struggled with allergies, and his skin becomes black, but we know it's
common with Frenchies, and it doesn't seem to slow him down. He has so much agility and loves to run and chase bunnies. He is 28 pounds, and all muscle.
Here are a few recent pics. Hope things are going well for
you and your family.

Dear Sheila,
I apologize for not writing to you sooner, but I wanted to let you know how much Scott and I enjoyed our visit with you, your husband and family when we stopped by with the lawnmower. I also wanted to let you know how impressed I was with your care, management and knowledge of each and every frenchie you have. Shortly after our visit I went to Minnesota to visit my brother and purchased, "French Bulldogs" magazine, and everything I read about frenchies, you had already told me about! You know your stuff! and I can't wait for the time when my baby will come home. Please know when the time is right and my puppy comes, that she will be greatly appreciated, spoiled and loved to no end, and I know she had a great start in her life, because of you and your experience.
Enjoy the summer and hear from you soon,
Julia Armstrong

Hi All,
Twix is having a great summer. In all this heat we can't go on very long walks. He takes many breaks to army crawl through the grass on neighbor's lawns to cool off. The only thing he likes better than grass is dirt and (as I found out recently) the only thing he likes better than dirt is mud! The closest dog park to our house has a small muddy stream running through it and a low spot that fills with water if we've had a lot of rain. A black lab taught him how much fun the swampy puddle is to play in. Ever since then, he's been hooked. He likes to take a tennis ball in and play with it "bobbing for apples" style. I've given up trying to keep him out of there. I figure it's like having a kid and not letting the kid play outside. He's a dog.
Well, one day he took off ahead of me at the dog park and I saw him approaching the stream. It's not just water and a little dirt like the puddle/pond. It's deep, oozy, gooey mud. You can picture this like a slow-motion movie scene. Twix running ahead and when I see this I yell "NOOOOOOOOO!" He sinks in up to his little arm pits and then turns his head and looks at me like, "Did you say something?" The look on his face in the last picture is priceless. He is a little shit, but so cute! He seriously LOVES to wallow in mud just like a little pig. Cracks up everyone at the dog park. At least he's easy to fit in the tub.
We finally broke down and bought him a kiddy pool. It's been so hot. He was so happy today jumping in and out and bringing tennis balls to drop in it. So cute. Glad he can enjoy something in this weather and it's a lot cleaner than the dog park!
Hope you all are well and have air conditioning!

Hey Sheila
Just wanted to let you know that Piper, our valentines day puppy, is a year
and a half and we couldn't imagine our lives without her. We love our
Piper. Here's a pic of her after a round of playing with her "big sister"
Sauza, our English. Piper runs the house however as no other person or
pet can keep up with her. Thanks again.
Joe D. Vela, DDS, PhD